Hit Again

Pain. We chase it hoping to feel. But what’s the point of feeling if all we do is wallow?

The past few days have been incredibly difficult. I’m drained and exhausted, ready for a break. Ready for the storm to let up. It’s amazing how quickly we can be flooded by past emotions we thought were behind us.

I knew the fire was coming, but that didn’t stop me from praying for the rain.

God knows when we’re weak and weary. He knows when we’re heavy laden, and he wants to lift that burden from our shoulders.

He already sees it all, already knows it all, already knows exactly what’s going to happen. Even when we don’t. Even when we’re drowning in uncertainty and burning alive with pain.

I know that God is faithful. And I know that He can heal and redeem. I know that He can lift me up as quickly as I was knocked down.

I’m tired. I’m worn out. And all that’s left is seeking His rest.

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