Dear Monday

Oh Monday, it seems that no matter how many weeks go by, you’re always the one to have to start it off. It must be exhausting! To always take the lead, to be the one that people dread. And yet, you carry more opportunity than all the other days combined. You set the tone for the week ahead, you lead and carry the other days.

I’d say you’re the most unappreciated day, and yet you always remain constant. Like the tortoise racing the hare, you dust yourself off, and you try again, one slow and steady step at a time, always moving forward, propelling the week ahead. Your patience is unparalleled. Your persistence ever showing.

There’s so much I could learn from you, dear Monday. You never give up, no matter the opposition. You show up anyway, fully real and authentically you. You never complain about the task ahead, you never shrink beneath the weight of attack. You never give in to the bitterness around you. You stand strong, ever constant, a faithful catalyst, launching even your haters into unfathomable potential.

You may be overlooked, despised even, but I see you, dear Monday, and the impact you leave. Ever humble, and I thank you for your precious gift, a new beginning once again.



So often I will feel overlooked. I tend to be quiet and sit on the edge of a crowd or group. I don’t say much, I just watch, observing everything that’s going on around me.

Then I have moments that I try to branch out and do something, often something online, and I just feel like no one pays any attention.

This blog is different, I’m writing it mostly for myself, as selfish as that sounds. A few other things I’m working on are in the hopes of having a positive impact on others.

I so badly want to be able to help, but come up feeling less-than because no one pays attention. How can I help others if I can’t manage to catch their attention? Then I start berating myself.

The image above was a good reminder to keep going, to keep trying, even if I feel overlooked by others.

God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of us. If we allow the shadows of others loom over us, feeling like we’re so much in the dark that no one could ever notice us, then we’re missing out and making the world miss out on some wonderful things that we have to offer.

Isn’t that where persistence comes in? We have to keep on trying, and we have to be able to be ourselves, even if we think that no one else is seeing it. Because we never know who might be watching. Even if no one else is, don’t we deserve to be our best selves? After all, we have to be around us all the time. Let’s make it the best that we possibly can.