Hope In The Struggle

I’m not perfect. I’m never going to be perfect… At least not in this life. But I do know that I am loved. And I am never alone.

Sometimes we feel alone during times of struggle, or even times of hope. There are moments when we feel that no one has ever felt the depths of our lowest low, or that we’re the only one holding on and having faith when everyone else is letting go.

rainbow-1201862_640We are not alone. We do not need to be afraid. We are not abandoned. Our God is greater. And He will use these struggles, storms, and trials, and He will bring something beautiful from it.

Like a rainbow after the storm. God promises will never come up empty.


Once again I stand in awe, blown away at God’s faithfulness and love for us. There’s been an ongoing situation that causes me a lot of pain. It challenges my faith and I often wonder why God doesn’t step in and change it. I know He could at any second, but I often struggle with the patiently waiting on His timing. But God’s timing is perfect, whether we see it right now or not.

I’m seeing how this situation is impacting my life and my relationships, but I also see something beautiful blossoming from it. God is growing my trust in Him, and I’ve been able to help and encourage others in similar situations because of what I’ve been walking (often stumbling) through.

I’ve formed connections and relationships that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I’ve had understanding for people in situations that I know I wouldn’t have to the same degree if I didn’t walk this path.

God can use even evil and turn it around for His good.

girl-429380_640I want God’s will and His purpose in my life. This deepening trust fills my heart with so much peace, and even joy through the pain and trials. This is what it means to receive God’s love. To be comforted and surrounded by peace, even through the worst of storms.

I’ve noticed, just this morning, how much God has changed in us over the past couple months. The situation may not be changed, but we begin to transform. God is faithful, and He is good.

There’s a hope now that I didn’t have before. Sometimes we have to walk through darkness to appreciate the light. I’ve questioned for a long time now why God doesn’t just bring it to an end, and maybe this is why, we need to learn to trust, we need to feel His peace. God’s goal is to transform us and renew us, to heal us and bring us growth, and understanding. It may not always look the way we want it to, but God is faithful to walk with us through the fires and through the storms.

God is bigger than this situation. God is stronger than our enemies. God is in control. God can give us peace, and He will calm the storms.

We may be crushed, but we are not destroyed. God gives us strength and grace to trust, and we’ll come out of this stronger. I’m beginning to see a glimmer of that hope and healing.

Failure And Organization

stack-letters-447579_640I feel like I’ve failed miserably lately. I haven’t been keeping up with everything I need to do, and I haven’t even used my free time well because I’ve been stressed over not being productive. (For the most part, though I have found some peaceful and quiet moments.)

I know those thoughts don’t help. We have to focus on the right things. There are many ways to do this, but sometimes it does take being intentional and also making a point of being grateful for the things we do have and have accomplished.

I haven’t read blog posts from all you lovely people in a while, and I really miss it. Sometimes we need to just slow down and take a break, and sometimes we need to try something a little more serious, like a schedule.

I hate schedules, but I love routines. I’m trying to incorporate aspects of both and I hope it helps, we’ll see where this goes. I think if I start setting a timer for myself and getting the things done that a dread doing first off, then I’ll have that weight off my shoulders to go on into the rest of the day, instead of stalling because of the dreaded project that I don’t want to face.

I like to keep my life at least semi-organized. I know I function best that way, but sometimes a bunch of little things slip through the cracks. Things like my bullet journal have really helped with that.

What methods do you use to help motivate yourself and stay organized? I’d love to hear from you! 🙂

My Summer Day – July 18, 2016

notebook-july-18-2016-infjramblings.wordpress.comToday I spent most of the day outside. A perfect breeze played through the trees and offered a much welcome reprieve from the heat. The water below wound through its path in a peaceful lullaby. Birds sang their glorious and diverse songs. I heard music all around me.

A picnic lunch and ice water to stay hydrated, a notebook with a pen. I wrote to my heart’s content, and just sat and took it all in. It was the perfect afternoon.

On days like this I wonder why I don’t incorporate more of this into my everyday life. I suppose that’s what I was trying to do. I need the peaceful environment to wind down and relax. To let my worries go as my thoughts bleed out onto a page.

I love each of the seasons because they each offer something different and lovely. Summer holds those days that somehow seem to cement themselves in time. The moment stops and time stands still. We’re held breathless in a moment, unsure where we’ve been or where we’re going, but all that matters is where we are right now.

I’m so thankful for days like these and the freedom to take advantage of them. Days like this fill my heart with peace and joy, and I’m thankful to be alive. I want to seize more of these opportunities in the future, and especially while summer still remains.

How was your day today?

Finding Hope, A Masterpiece

Today has been kind of a low key day. I think I’ve needed it for a while. It’s been overcast and a bit rainy off and on, just the perfect day to retreat into my little shell and be content alone.

There’s just something peaceful about the rain, it’s like it comes to wash the world clean and give us a fresh start. I find so much hope just watching it, hearing the beautiful little drops hitting on my rooftop or the pavement of the street below.

I curl up on the couch with a laptop and some writing. Maybe a little music in the background. This is where I explore my mind.

I’ve been struggling with some life issues and anxieties lately, but I’m beginning to really find and embrace hope. Just a tiny spark of it can make such a huge difference.

The past few weeks I’ve felt so much lighter, so much more secure in God, and myself and knowing my own worth and value. It’s something I really struggle with, but I’m learning how to accept me and how to trust in the God who created me.

paint-brushes-984434_640We are God’s workmanship, we’re His artwork, His masterpiece. As an artist, I feel a powerful connection to the art I create. I think that’s a reflection of God and how we’re made in His image. If I value the things I create, how much more will God love and value us?

I’ve found so much comfort in that thought.

I stand back in awe and wonder at the great and wonderful God we serve. And I’m so thankful to have been given the opportunity to experience His love.

What are you thankful for today?

Half Year

month-1265393_1280Halfway through the year. It’s crazy to think just how fast time flies by. The second quarter was a slow one for me, it was a time of reorienting myself, a time for learning. I don’t feel like much has changed in my life, and yet, everything has.

I find myself with renewed hope for the future and a more solid plan of where I’m going next, though I have no idea where this path will lead.

There are so many unknowns. I feel as though every time I gain my footing, the ground shifts beneath me and I’m not sure where I am anymore. Everything changes, and yet nothing does, and I end up repeating the same things over and over again.

Do you ever feel like that? Like the ground keeps moving beneath you, you’re running as fast as you can, and yet, you’re still just standing in place.

There are worse things I suppose. I’m setting goals, I’m looking ahead. And when I look back is when I find I’ve moved the most distance.

Time doesn’t always make sense. Sometimes it feels too fast, other times too slow. I suppose it’s not about how fast or slow we move, what matters is that we get there, and that we collect all the lessons life has to teach us along the way.

Every moment, every setback, every forward moving step, is getting us somewhere. We’re reaching, we’re waiting. We’re learning how to trust, and we’re learning how to fly.

What has the first half of 2016 looked like for you? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!