Small Talk

Small talk. Everyone expects it, does anyone like it?

This holiday season my husband and I attended several parties. We arrived late and left early for most of them… intentionally.

One in particular was really enjoyable. But most of the rest were awkward at best and I spent more time standing alone in a corner, trying to blend in and disappear, than I did interacting, and what interactions I did have were mostly small talk.

I want to have deeper connections with people. I don’t mind talking about the surfacy things when there’s something deeper underneath. And how to we bridge that gap between awkward small talk and meaningful connections?

I’ve been even more off my social game lately. Too many life things getting in the way. We’re in a new year, a new decade, and I’m facing some major changes. I’m not sure what comes next, but I do want to be more intentional about reaching out and forming connections that matter. Going beyond small talk, and diving into more interesting things.

How do you handle social interactions and small talk?

8 thoughts on “Small Talk

  1. I’m actually learning to enjoy some small talk from time to time just because it can bring out some really good conversations that shed light on more fun topics. I used to be completely anti-small talk, but it’s not so bad for me once I realized it’s a sort of necessary evil to get to know other people.

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  2. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m rather good at small talk, but still terribly bored by it. Sometimes you can find a common interest through small talk that can lead to deeper conversations, but I find that’s rarely the case. If you have any ideas on bridging that gap, I’d love to hear them 🙂

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  3. I was just checking in on my wordpress stuff and realized I haven’t seen anything come through from you since the world shut down in 2020, so I wanted to say you are thought of and I hope you are well! Hopefully the past few years have had much less small talk for you to endure. 🙂

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    1. It means so much to me that you’ve checked in with me like this. Thank you! ❤ It's been a really crazy few years. (Just posted a bit of an update.) But I absolutely see God's work and grace through it. Less small talk was absolutely a blessing! But I'm also moving out of my comfort zone a bit more now and it's scary at times, yet I'm also feeling more secure in who God's made me to be and how He's created me (as an introvert). I hope you're doing well too. 🙂


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