Power In The Waves

I walk these shores over and over again. The waves tumble against the sand, spewing particles in every direction.

What is forward, what is back? Can we return to things we once lost, even things that have now been forgotten? Can we step forward into a new life, every piece of what we have been, tied together and brought into harmony as they unify.

It’s been so long since I’ve revisited certain parts of myself. Thoughts, feelings, activities. Even friendships.

Slowly I’m reemerging from the ash and cinder that was left by the flames. Slowly I’m coming alive again.

Old things take a new form. This can be good or bad.

I look out into the vast seas, endless depths and unknowns, waiting to be found. The beauty and power within the storms, now harnessed within the waves. It looks so peaceful, and yet, there’s such strength.

Something as simple as a drop of water, joined with billions of others, endless awe, endless destruction. There’s a fear that accompanies that, but I suppose that’s also where the awe comes in.

If water, joined with itself could hold that much strength, power, and ability, then how could we look to ourselves, or to our God, and say that anything is impossible?


Time. It ticks on endlessly, mocking me as I sleep. Awake O sleeper.

But I couldn’t hear it.

I’ve heard that we have a choice, a choice whether we’re enslaved or not. That all this time, all these years, wasted by all human accounts, could be counted for something.

I’m not sure that I care anymore.

My life is nothing but a hollow dream. Racing by as I struggle to catch my breath. It’s too late. Now I’ve gotten too old.

What meaning does life have, when you’ve lost the only thing you ever cared about. Hope. Hope for the future. Hope for a future worth living. Hope to come alive again.

Just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Just because we don’t have the faith to believe, doesn’t mean the Source of our life is any less active. On our behalf. He acts on our behalf. Because we don’t do it on our own.

Time may be a mystery. It may be moving too fast. But we have a God outside of time, who likes to wait until just in time. And that is where we find our hope. Not in the hours of a day or the timing on a clock, but in the One who created time, and is Master over all.

Warming Up

The weather is getting warmer, days are getting longer, and I am so eager to welcome the sun as it stays longer into the day. With the nicer weather plans start to be made. Groups and gatherings, the world has come alive, and as much as I love it, I also realize that I take a bit more to warm up to interaction than the change in temperature.

I’ve enjoyed the quiet time alone in my apartment. I enjoy having an excuse to stay in. And I enjoy having some of the pressure taken off by not having to say no as much. Is this a flaw in me? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m still undecided.

I do look forward to some events, and being able to get out to walk with my husband or friends, and to walk where we want or need to go rather than driving or taking a bus. I love seeing the world as it opens up, it comes to life, and in doing so makes me feel more alive. Maybe I just need some time to adjust. It’s like that sleepy time when you first wake up, not quite wanting to get out of bed, at least not yet, even though there can be excitement for the day ahead. It’s peaceful, exciting, and I just want to savor this moment.

How do you feel about the warmer weather and the extra invitations that come along with it?

Day Six

6We’re finding the gentle lull that lets us know we’re alive. I’ve had the windows open with the last bit of almost summer drifting in. Sounds of the night fill the air, and I’m wrapped in the summery embrace, as if one final hug before we say goodbye. We’ll meet again when we make it to the other side. Autumn will soon turn to winter and the world will slip into its preparatory sleep before it comes to life and the cycle starts anew. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the view from where I am. Here’s to a peaceful evening!

Too Much

the thoughts swirl about in my mind like a tornado. They rush by faster than I can catch them and I’m left holding a telephone pole for dear life just trying to make it out alive.

No one ever does though. We all die in the end.

Maybe, if I get through this, I’ll end up with a story. There has to be a reason. Doesn’t there?

I don’t know what the meaning of this life is, and honestly, I’m so mentally worn out at the moment to figure it out.


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As I’ve gone through this gratitude challenge, I’ve really come to realize just how important being thankful can be. Gratitude is one of the best things to have and maintain a positive attitude. It’s amazing what a difference it can make.

There are times that I struggle with it because I’m just having a rough day, other times that I struggle with it because I’m thankful for anything and everything that I have and have been given. But it’s really important to be able to maintain that attitude of thankfulness in the good times and in the bad. No matter how bad things get, I’m sure we all have at least something to be thankful for. Whether it’s that we have the life we’ve always dreamed of, or if the only thing we have is our breath. Every breath is worth being thankful for.

Today, I am thankful for freedom. I’m thankful for the birds that sing their glorious songs, for the little creatures that scurry through the fallen autumn leaves. I’m thankful for a mind that is able to learn and process. I’m thankful to be able to speak, to hear.

I’m thankful to have water and food, to have clothing and a place to live. I’m thankful to see and to touch, to walk, that I have both of my arms and hands that are not crippled. I’m thankful to be alive.

I’ve been so blessed by so many things that I tend to overlook in my everyday life. It’s a shame, really. Because what would happen if those things go away? I know that I would be thankful that I had the chance to have them at all, but what about now? I’d be missing out on enjoying the things I have while I have them.

I don’t want to miss out or be detached from the life that I have been blessed with. I want to be thankful for everything that I have, in the moment that I have it.

Everything’s uncertain. That is often a scary thought, but it shouldn’t just be scary. It should be a call to action, a call to appreciating all of the blessings in our everyday lives.

Thankful Saturday

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Good morning, everyone! Although I suppose I’m posting this a bit late for it to be morning… Depending on where you are I suppose.

Anyway, today I’m just thankful to be alive. To be able to live and breathe, to see the sun, and the whole world around me. I’m thankful for my home and my family. For food to eat and clothes to wear. I’m thankful to be able to walk, to see, to hear, to speak. And I’m even thankful for the pile of dishes that is waiting for me.

What are you thankful for on this lovely Saturday?