
I’ve put a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect; more often than not, based on others opinions and values rather than my own. I’ve realized that it is the most anti-productive thing to do, even if it were by my own standards.

I’ve done my fair share of reflecting, and goal-making, but I’ve never really been into typical New Year’s resolutions.

What’s the difference? Well, I had always thought a resolution is something one makes up their mind to change about themselves or their lifestyle with blunt force starting on a particular day, while a goal is something that one wishes to attain, check off a list, or move toward. Maybe they’re the same thing, maybe not. I’m not really sure anymore.

I’m not saying that I don’t have aspirations to change or to be a better person, but those are things that are a lifelong journey, it’s a process of transformation, not something to force or change all at once. Far too often, resolutions are only to be abandoned when all the energy is gone and we’re left feeling weak and weary from putting too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. We then give in and give up, leaving those items on the list until the following year when we pick it up again.

Try and fail.

Changes in life happen one step at a time, not all at once, and I, personally, believe this is the downfall of resolutions. It’s too much pressure all at once, we bog ourselves down with too much to handle until we give up, and berate ourselves that we couldn’t follow through.

This is where patience and understanding for ourselves come in. We have to be willing to relax and give ourselves a break, taking one step at a time, not trying to take them all at once. It’s no wonder we get so discouraged and burnt out by the end of the year!

So I suppose I do like resolutions in the sense of having a direction to move in.

I do have goals and a to-do list for the year. I used to make monthly goals. They worked quite well for me and I loved seeing one item being checked off the list at a time, ending each month with a burst of encouragement that all things were possible.

One step at a time, an ebb and flow that allowed me to take a deep breath, knowing fully well that all my tasks were completed, or would be on time, and if not, could be easily transferred without much harm dome. Each month, I would start off fresh with a clean slate.

Somehow, in the chaos of moving, I dropped this habit. And I’ve felt somewhat directionless ever since. There are some things I’ve been meaning to do that require uninterrupted time, time without travels and visits, time alone and to myself, where my mind is clear and free to wonder wherever it may wish.

My intention was to begin my goals again after the holidays. That is still my intent. I’ve made a master list, then I will go and once again create specifics for each month, one at a time.

I noticed something different though.

When I first sat down to write out my goals, I had a list of mundane, boring things, that honestly, were rather self-absorbed and shallow. They didn’t quite hit on what I wanted, but they came close enough, and from the outside, I would appear successful if I were to check off each one.

Something was wrong with this picture.

I realized that I needed to get to the core and the heart of the issue. If I am to actually complete my goals this year, I have to be accurate in my motivation. In order to do that, I would have to break down the things that I wanted, and why.

The why is one of the most important things, and, often, one of the most challenging things to deduce. One thing leads to another, and deeper and deeper it goes.

But what was my underlying motivation? What was at the heart and soul of these things that I thought I needed?

That is what I was determined to find out. And so, I tried again.

I made a list of all my basic goals, and realized that they weren’t as bad as it had originally seemed. Sure, there were still some mundane things, but they weren’t all like that. Once I had that list (a very long one, I might add), I needed to break it down. Common themes, the motivation behind wanting each particular thing that I wanted.

What did I find? At the root of it all, it comes down to purpose. I want purpose, I want inspiration, I want to be a light and inspiration to others, and I want to be inspired. I want to be a support and encouragement to others, and I want that field of positivity to surround me.

I want to be a light. Not only to cast out the darkness in my own life, but to shine bright in others’ lives as well.

I don’t want to be perfect by the world’s standards. I want to be perfect by God’s standards. And He’s in the process of making me complete. I have a very long way to go, but I’m taking it one step at a time. And with this, comes accepting a transformation rather than a sudden change, being patient through the growing process, and having some directions to head in, rather than a strict list of things I must do.

This journey is such a blessing, such a gift. I want to use it wisely.

How do you feel about New Year’s resolutions? Are they something you keep, or do you have another method? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Days Like These

I’m a simple girl. Simple wants and needs. But underneath it all there’s a level of complexity I myself don’t always understand. I’m sure there will be more understanding as I continue to age and mature, but what else is missing?

It is a beautiful, lovely day today. I love those summer (spring) moments when everything in the world seems right. Those moments seem increasingly rare these days, but a part of me wonders if maybe we’re just bored.

DaffodilWe’re so drawn to the catastrophe, but what about the wonder? I look around at my surroundings today, and I want to retreat into my own mind and never have to leave. It’s a peaceful feeling, really, when being with oneself can be such a pleasure.

How many of us just hate ourselves? We always want to be better, do to better. There’s nothing specifically wrong with that, but I think we take it too far. We reach beyond helpful admonition and go into the realm of utter destruction. We tear down far faster than we build up. Aren’t we called to love? To heal, not to destroy.

Why don’t we notice the good things? Sometimes there’s a part of me that thinks God’s standing there with a flashing neon light begging us to acknowledge Him. We get so absorbed in our own lives that we often forget to thank Him for all the blessings He’s bestowed upon us.

We pray when it’s convenient for us. We go to God when we feel that we need something from Him, when destruction strikes. And, in those quiet moments in between, in the good times, we often forget that God even exists.

How long can we continue to be ungrateful? I look around at this beautiful, wonderful world that God has created and I feel a pang inside knowing that I too have so often overlooked the Creator of it all.

As we go through our days, regardless of our circumstance, let’s take a moment to thank the God who gives us life. But He deserves so much more than that. So, so much more. How many of us are truly willing to give?

Time And Positivity

Time seems to be going by really quickly lately. Not sure why… I’ve been less productive in my free time too… Maybe that has something to do with it. One day blurs into another and they all look the same.

Maybe that’s the point in life, to find the beauty and the differences in each and every day. They have to be there, they must me.

Quite some time ago I had mentioned my jar of positivity. I haven’t kept up with it every day, though I write things down every now and then, remembering dates when I can.

The Domino effect from one tidbit of positivity is incredible. I write one little thing down, and my mind is flooded with others to add. It’s quite the uplifting experience.

Time moves by so fast, yet there are so many things I’m waiting for. I’m realizing that rushing the time by only leaves me with less time. If I want things to happen, I have to allow them to happen, not just passively sit back and wait.

Patience. I’m learning to accept the still and quite, waiting for whatever is to be.

Positivity And Light

It is such a beautiful day today! I’m loving the warmer, sunny weather. But it has me thinking… I want to be happy even in the storms. I don’t want to be positive only when my life is good and it’s all sunny and happy. If I am, then what good does that positivity even do? Isn’t everyone like that?

Instead, I want to find joy even in the trials of this life, even in the storms and the dark times. Isn’t light most needed in darkness? Going through the storms only makes us appreciate the sun even more. So let’s be thankful today for all of the blessings we have, whether it’s in an obvious form, or one that we can’t seem to wrap our minds around.

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Oh Happy Saturday!

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Today just feels like a happy, spring day! I’m not entirely sure why… There’s still snow on the ground, but it’s bright and I woke to birds chirping outside my windows, so that probably has something to do with it.

Some days just feel happier than others, and today is definitely one of those days for me. I just want to be happy and spread that joy to others, I’m going to look for opportunities today.

Enjoy this wonderful Saturday!

Jar Of Positivity

PositivityAt the start of 2015, I’m planning on keeping a painted jar to be filled with blessings and inspirational happenings, quotes, etc. throughout the year.

I’ve done this sort of thing before, reading the little slips of paper at the end of the year to remember all the good that happened, and it was very inspiring and encouraging. (Also if having a really hard day, it can add a little joy to reach in and grab a random piece of positivity and be encouraged by it.)

Dates included. That way I’ll have a nice little timeline put together. (I do journal off and on, so that’s always good for reference too, but this is meant to be a quick thing that I can do even with limited time.)

As I start this project, I start with adding this quote by Seth Godin, which I originally saw here. (It’s a wonderful post, by the way, why don’t you take a moment to read it, I’ll be here when you’re done.)

“Perfect doesn’t mean flawless. Perfect means it does exactly what I need it to do.”

So in this project, I’m going to try not to put the pressure on myself to be perfect, but only to continue being positive, after all, that’s the whole purpose in the jar anyway.

Do you have anything like the jar of positivity or some other way to keep track of the positive happenings in your life? Have you ever done something like this before? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments.

Problems (Part 2?)


I think we all know a few people who could benefit from the above. I know I certainly do! It’s so easy to sit back and point the finger at everyone else, yet so difficult to look at ourselves to see where we may be making the very same mistakes.

I’d like to think that I’m a positive person, but I’m not so sure that I am. I have my moments, sure. I don’t complain as much as some others, but I sure do complain a lot sometimes.

I justify it because sometimes certain things build up so much that I just need to vent to get the poison out. But what if, in doing so, I’m actually letting the poison in? Keeping it circulating throughout my life.

Then there’s the comparison trap. I don’t want to compare myself to others, judging my worth and status, backing it up against how much better I am than others. How terrible is that!?

I want to judge my abilities by my potential. According to how well I’m being the best person I can be, not according to how much better I am.

Storms are going to come in life, but we choose how we guard ourselves against them.

I don’t know about you, but I choose to rise above and surf.

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Reflections Upon A Jar

Jar And Tea

This is my day today. A cup of tea, some soft piano music playing in the background, while painting a jar.

It’s not the prettiest thing, but that’s alright. It’s me. It’s a way to relax and unwind. And, best of all, this jar has a purpose.

When I’m finished with it, this jar will be a jar of positivity where I can collect all the inspiring things I come across in the upcoming year. Things I’m grateful for, good things that have happened, and whatever else seems fitting.

I’m also realizing what a dork I am.

I named the image file “Jar And Tea.” As sad as it is, I have to admit that I laughed to myself upon reading it. It’s a jar-an-tea(guarantee)! So… Yeah.

Also, upon tagging this post, I went to add the tag “paint.” Instead, I accidentally typed “pain.” It got me thinking how important that one little letter is.

It’s kind of like each of us, even though at times we may feel small and insignificant, we can be the difference between something that brings hurt or healing. Pain or beauty.

Have a good one wherever you may be today! May you be light and a blessing, with blessings in return.